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To make an appointment with a Health Care Professional

Face to Face  and Telephone consultations are by appointment only. Appointments can be booked up to 7* days ahead. If you require a GP our reception team try to offer an appointment with your preferred doctor at the earliest opportunity but if it is busy or your doctor is not available you may see another doctor. We’ve updated our appointment system to include some face to face appointments as well as telephone. If the GP feels they need to see you in person they will organise a Face to Face appointment with you.

We offer a number of clinics and services in the treatment room with our Nurses and HCA’s (Health Care Assistant) as well as appointments with our Social Prescriber, Clinical Pharmacy team and MSK First-Contact practitioner. These can be booked through the practice, and are both telephone and face to face. Face to face appointments will be at Westlands Medical Centre. Further information can be found on our PCN webpage:

To make an appointment please phone or visit reception. Please do not use econsult to request an appointment to be made. The econsult system is for medical conditions requiring clinical review.

We do have available appointments 08:00am to 18:00pm Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings (the Saturday appointments are held at our Extended Access Hub which is located at Westlands Medical Centre, Westlands Grove, Portchester, PO16 9AD.

The Practice offers ‘urgent’ on the day triage list which is managed by the duty Dr.  There is no choice with who you see for an emergency appointment as this depends on who is allocated duty that day.

* = these appointments are limited and based on GP availability

If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your face to face appointment you will need to rebook.