Urgent Appointments

Urgent cases (patients who need to be seen and cannot wait until the next routine appointment) will be triaged daily by the duty GP / paramedic- for their immediate problem only. As a consequence, the reception team will need to take a brief reason (which is to assist the triage team with their clinical prioritisation), the appointment will be brief, and you are advised to book a routine appointment system for other consultations. Because of the type of consultation, we cannot guarantee that you will be seen by a specific GP / paramedic, or how long you may have to wait. The triage team reserve the right to discuss with the patient the appropriate use of this service.

Urgent visits – if you require a visit from a GP, please call the surgery before 10am. Our home visits are undertaken by our Home Visiting Service (which is a clinical team consisting of paramedics, nurse practitioners, and GPs). The home visiting service may call you prior to the visit.